Friday, November 2, 2007

Tagged, I've Been...

FIRST, let me say that i know i have been soooooo lax in my post schedule....BUT my computer is from hell and is a habitual crack smoker as well, so this heifer hasn't been the most dependable thing as of late. also, i have been suuuuuper busy planning my baby's 1st birthday extravaganza. yes, it will be an EXTRAVAGANZA, nuff said

so my lovely cousin ELLE has tagged me and i shall do my part here...

A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...
B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...
C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...
D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


1. i like to bite my toenails

2. i have a wig named "hot ho stroll"

3. i have a gold crown on my third right molar...i used to want a gold cap in the front with a dollar sign in it, but where i used to live, like, er'body had one, so i didn't feel original

4. i like to put chili powder on EVERYTHING!

5. my middle name is (don't laugh!) LaRaybia (reminds you of labia, doesn't it)

6. i LOVE to wear legwarmers in the summer

7. i once stood on a corner wearing a bathing suit and a sign that read "THE END IS NEAR" and threw condoms at cars for 1 hour (trying to get them in the windows that were rolled down)

ok, lemme stop....


1. i have ocd

2. i laugh at people when they fall, no matter how old, young, hurt they are (i'm terrible, i know)
3. i attract really insecure people

4. i was a closet ciggie smoker in college (complete with three hidden cover-up stashes hidden in my room, my car and my purse to hide the scent, which was hand sanitizer, aerosol spray, listerine, toothbrush and toothpaste-travel size of course, gum, mints, body spray and lip gloss)
5. i can cook really well, but am often to lazy to actually do it

6. i am mesmerized by big boi from outkast's pretty veneers

7. i still want to be a supermodel, even tho i'm fat & old

i'm not taggin anyone cuz i don't really have anyone to tag that hasn't done this already, so if you stumble upon this and want to tag yourself via ME, your thang!

P.S. my regularly scheduled posts will resume super soon..........


Park Avenue said...

O.K.! You really had me going with the first 7 answers! It's too cool that you have corresponding pictures/answers! I see you!

Lee said...

You Crack! me up

The Bee is out!

Elle said...

fabulously hilarious....loves it! thanx for playing darling!

Jameil said...

you are so ig!! that first one was the hilarity! did you know NONE of that stuff covered up your habit??? hilarious. i had a closet smoker roomie once. she only smoked in the room. I HATED IT!! the worst.

CHA CHA said...

I still wanna be a video hoe...we have something in common LOL.

Anonymous said...

you know you a fool right?

i was rollin'.....

first time over here....


I like's

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Oh hail ta tha naw on them toez!!!!

A wig with a name? I guess that ain't much different than Deepnthought's Nana's Fightin' Hair...

Yes. Does bring to mind Labia. Not a bad thing though... Takes my mind off the pic...

Ya legs get cold in the summer? Imagine that...

I can't imagine you having trouble getting a dozen or so condoms in my window if there is a bikini to be looked at...