Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Hills Are Alive...With BBQ's & Parental Units

ok so first, let me just say, me and audrina used to smoke together. that's why she relapsed, lost her mind and decided to start messing around with the wart hog known as justin bobby. our previous smoke sessions MAY also explain the constant sleepy eye look she has. (if she were on ANTM, she'd be the first sent home for having a poor eye know miss tyra can't stand that...)

anyhoo, heidi starts this ep off by having her fake costume ring sized in a real jewelry store and asking fuzzy spencer to come back to her hometown to meet her parents. let me just say that i am not a fan of overly shaggy blondness.

well, he agrees, but at the expense of missing the beach bbq he's been planning with brody and the gang. maybe i didn't do my homework, but i had no idea that heidi was from west bumblefrick...her hometown looked like a scene out of northern exposure. soooooooo not my cup of tea...i felt like i should have been wearing a red and black lumberjack just watching these scenes.

so this is the first time spencer meets the folks and they had NO problem voicing their concerns about their premature engagement and the big breakup with lauren. stepdad even busted heidi out by telling spencer that every time she gets a boyfriend, she loses all of her girlfriends. well, dang! i would have thrown myself to the buffalos if my dad put me on blast like that...but i digress, spencer had to take his opportunity to blame lauren for the breakup saying she wanted heidi to herself. whatever!

meanwhile, back in lalaland, the bbq was so much fun. audrina even brought the wart hog and everyone was having a blast, until wart hog was caught trying to mack some honey dip at the party. as the night tapered on, audrina and lauren got lost in convo and out of nowhere lauren started crying about heidi and their lost friendship. i mean, i guess i would be hurt, but this chick did her so dirty, that i wouldn't be crying over her. so they had a stupid little lovefest:

lauren: heidi's not my freind anymore! boo-hoo-hoo

audrina: well, i love you girl

lauren: i know, it's just hard

audrina: i know girl

lauren: boo-hoo-hoo

audrina: but i love you girl

lauren: thanks girl

then audrina realized she hadn't seen wart hog in a while...and lawd help me! i almost bust a gut when lauren found audrina's motorcycle helmet sitting on the couch. HA HA HA! he straight left this chick (of course to hook up with honey from the bbq), and he had no words, no goodbyes...just threw the deuce and chunked her little rosey helmet. well, one relief is that her dead little eyes are capable of showing some life cuz homegirl cried like a newborn child (no doubt from humiliation), but she suddenly got smart and realized that she could no longer deal with mr. justin bobby. let lovefest number 2 begin:

audrina: he just left me?! boo-hoo-hoo

lauren: i love you girl

audrina: oh he sucks, i can't do it anymore

lauren: i know girl, he sucked

audrina: boo-hoo-hoo

lauren: but i love you girl

audrina: thanks girl

sad girl love you girls!

...i'm off to rehab!


Jameil said...

good thing one of my coworkers finally begged, pleaded and cajoled me into watching. i know who and what you're talking about. spencer is not cute. do heidi's parents not feel some sort of way about their jobs that they raised her to kick her girls to the curb w/ea. bf?? ridic. lmao @red and black lumberjack and the love fests!! the hilarity. a blind man saw the end of aud and jb. come on. that was the dumbest couple.

Gallis said...

LOL! I've never watched this show but I still laughed.

Elle said...

OMG those conversations betw Lauren and Audrina were hilarious! They should be drunk more often. Why do I love this show?

Anonymous said...

It was such a revelation to see that heidi's parents have some sense they need to talk some sense into her but then would that be good tv I think NOT LoL

Random Grrrl said...

LOL! I fricken luv that show! I'm all TEAM LAUREN. The other one's just...Heidi HO!

This is the 1st time I stumbled on your blog. You're hilarious! Smoke that shit girl! Holla!