Thursday, September 13, 2007

Top Chef: Still In Mourning, Early in the Morning

since tre has been dismissed, my heart just really stills mourns for the show. i can't believe that cj, sara or casey have lasted longer than him....nonetheless, onto the post

the chefs were awkened by annoying padma and their quickfire challenge was to make her a delicious breakfast in 20 minutes.

all of the recipes were successful, but hung (yuck!) won the challenge with his steak & eggs and shake. but because padma is a lush, she really chose his because his shake had grand marnier in it. let me just say how much i detest hung. he's so conniving and magically delicious with his midget butt and i love/hate his overconfidence. bleh!

anyhoo, padmonster told the crew that they were headed to new york and you would have thought they won the lottery. what was up with all that excitement? once the chefs landed in newark (NJ), they were informed that they wouldn't even make it into the city until they passed the next challenge....which was preparing plane food for the crew of continental airlines. well, being a person who has tasted many a barftastic plane meal, i was really excited to see what yummy goodness they could come up with for those teeny, tiny foil containers.

well, cj, sara and brian has the worst dishes. cj had some dead fish with overly-powerful mint oil, sara had some cardboard, flavorless couscous and brian had some chewy lobster. sidebar: does/will brian EVER prepare anything that is not seafood? dang! he's as bad as marcel from season 1 who made a friggin' foam for every dish.

hung, casey and dale had the most successful dishes with hung having some yummy fish, casey had veal medallions and dale had some steak. casey won? um, i'm confused. she never seems to cook with confidence and she just seems aloof. when she wins, she's always so overly-surprised cuz it's like she stumbled onto a successful dish rather than her planning ahead for it.

poor cj got the boot but i don't feel for him, maybe he just not built for this show with his freakish tall-i-ness (what is he, like 6'10"?) and his one testicle. hey, at least everyone got to wear those fun-looking itchy hair-nets.

one time for cj...BOO-HOO-HOO


Jameil said...

ok you never lied w/the how the bloody blue hades did cj, sara or casey outlast tre!?!?!? foolishness!! i liked that cj was tall. i did not like his food. not only does brian continually do seafood, he continually RUINS seafood and he works in a seafood restaurant. WHAT!?!? casey seriously annoys me w/that trash. you have no confidence in your food. you shouldn't be here. i kind of like hung. can't help it. i always like the jerks on the show b/c they're the most honest.

Shawn said...

I can't even watch Top Chef nowadays without doing multiple tasks. The show just doesn't hold my attention.

Your lover Hung is obnoxious. I love it. He might be the best villian out of the 3 seasons. hehehe! Tiffany was too serious. Marcel was too immature and petulant. Hung is owning his villian. It's great!

I don't know why, but I have been waiting for CJ to get the boot for awhile now. I'm actually glad to see him removed from the lineup. Honestly, I think his height creeped me out. That other guy in the bottom 3 this week annoys me as well. Time for him to go.

Don said...

Nah man, I'm not about to believe you watch this show. No way.