Monday, October 1, 2007

ANTM: Cycle 2, Let's Light a Ciggie, Down with Twiggy & Love Tyra's Wiggie

so i am disappointed....the pics from this ep are like mission impossible...but if you watched the show, then try to just recall from memory. also, i just want to say that I HATE TWIGGY! she is so dry and listless. i just want to give her a shot of sambuca and smack her hiney! LOOSEN UP! and tyra's wigs are becoming boring....i think she should have borrowed miss jay's afro wig...let's get kinky!

nonetheless, this ep introduced the green theme of the winnebago and home the mogwais will be maintaining during the season. first things first.....what the fug is going on in bianca's head that made her target lisa as her little whipping post? she was attacking this girl left and right! i really am wondering if this was a case of that "hate on the high yellow girl"...but it was like...where was all this anymosity coming from? the show just started and bianca was calling lisa out every 2 minutes. it was all pretty sad actually...and what was the most unnecessary was bianca calling lisa out for being a bikini dancer saying that ANTM would never be a stripper/dancer/bikini chick. it brought lisa to tears....and i just wanted to hug her, give her a snausage and pat her little wet head. regardless, they kissed and made up....even tho bianca was faking (sniggle, sniggle)

but onto the shoot...this one was to focus on the dangers of smoking...kinda like a psa, and every chick represented a bad effect. TALK ABOUT HILARIOUS!!!!! i mean, technically, smoking is bad (for your health) but i was dying from some of the looks these girls were doing. i have to say MILA was the funniest...she had to be a chemo patient who was suffering from cancer and hair loss, so she had these weird hair patches and a crusty mouth and THAT mess was soooooooooo funny. even she couldn't stop laughing. her head looked like firemarshall bill, except with longer strands of hair.

i can't even remember all the effects (curse those photo hoarders!), but there was everything from premature wrinkling to facial tumors and holes-in-the-throat to dead babies being born....HOT MESS!

ok, so maybe tyra was trying to "stand for something" but that crap was truly funny in its delivery! ROFL!!! regardless, after all was said and done...MILA got her leukemia-fried, patchy dome sent back to smiley-land. i guess tyra doesn't like it when you laugh at her attempts to be ms. bunks (yes i said bunks) had to kick it up a super notch by BANNING SMOKING FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON. ok, so i would have followed right behind mila in the packing of my drawls and heading back to the crib cuz that was just a bit much. if i want to fry my brain and torch my lungs, then i think i should be able to in peace. but what will be funniest is if someone starts to have withdrawal and spazzes out on er'body, slicing up their sheets and rubbing their cooch juiced-panties on their beds like monique did in cycle 7. HA!

au revoir and penicillin to you too, MOGWAIS! and don't spark up, mama mogwai's is always watching you!


Elle said...

Oh I hate thee and love thee all at the same time!

Jameil said...

lawd a mercy. mess. curses to the pic hoarders!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KEEP UP WITHOUT THE PICS?!?!

CHA CHA said...

thats actually a cuter picture of Tyra..the best I've seen her in a long time